Saturday, September 20, 2008

Strep tease

Keaton (11) has had a very rough few days. She had her well-child check up last week and all was well; but, of course, this week she got sick...very sick.

The last four days she has been plagued with low grade fever, chills, tiredness and a terrible sore throat. A quick trip back to the doctor confirmed acute tonsillitis or strep throat and "the ugliest, puss-covered tonsils" he'd seen in a while.

Baby girl was sick.

She's been on a strong antibiotic since Thursday, stayed home from school on Friday, yet today she's had a fever of up to 103 and her tonsils are so swollen she feels like her throat is closing. On the bright side, her spirits are good, she's got a warm spot on the couch, a cup of crushed ice to suck on and a remote control.

She may decide to never get better.


Anonymous said...

Tell her I hope she feels better soon!!!!
Melissa A.

Anonymous said...

I meant to tell you that if you or Keaton need anything let me know!!

Anonymous said...

Oh me--poor Keaton--that's no fun....hope it doesn't make the rounds in the family.


Unknown said...

Hi Melissa!! We miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hi!! I miss you guys too!! I love staying "in touch" reading your helps me get through being a new stay at home mom...I have to say, now I TRULY understand the phrase "working harder at this mom thing than I ever did at work..." (but I wouldn't trade it for anything!)
Keep in touch and tell Keaton "Hi" for me!!