Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Just like at home, only wetter

No matter where we go, my children find a way to fulfill their self-appointed duties:

Peyton, always wanting Mommy.

Sutton, hogging the baby to get out of doing her chores.

Reagan, thinking of something else to talk about.

Keaton, standing on her head (and turning flips, and dancing, and...)

Hayden, acting all innocent, but we've learned to be rightfully suspicious.

Landon, as usual, in time-out.

My children are typical normal precocious loved, and perfect just as they are.


Anonymous said...

Oh man, LOLOLOLOL! That Landon, awwwww give the lil man a hug!(again, he must get so many a day lol!!!)

Anonymous said...

LOVE THE TIME OUT FACE> we call it "thunder-cloud"


tifbradley said...

Love the family pics and the individual shots!! Too perfect!!