Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I interrupt my Easter posts for this...

Mr. I-Will-NEVER-Go-To-School just returned from school at our church while I went to my Bible study.

He tried to negotiate with me before he walked into his classroom by saying that we should probably wait until tomorrow to do this because "then I will be bigger."

I convinced him to try it one time and he decided to walk in only after he verified with the teacher that they did, indeed, have a telephone. Because, you know, at 4 years old he might need to make a call or two.

Three hours later we reunited. We kissed, hugged, high-fived and went to Chik-Fil-A to celebrate his bravery.

I can not tell you how relieved excited I am for me him. Oh, and I found out they have these classes for little ones Tuesdays AND Thursdays! From 9:30-1:00! And they're FREE!

I think I'm gonna cry.

1 comment:

Annikke said...

YIPPPEEE!!!! Congratulations to you, uh-hmmm, I mean congratulations to him for being so brave!