Saturday, February 16, 2008

It's a numbers game and I'm losing

1 father in Vegas with 1 daughter for volleyball for 4 days
1 mom at home with 5 children
2 of them sick
1 of them vomiting
3 of them sucking in sicky germs so they, too, can soon join the infirmed
3 day weekend (only 72 more hours until school starts!)
3 parties
1 party with a 10pm pick-up time (drat!)
1 licensed driver
2 school projects that involve posters and costumes
1487 pages of homework (okay, slight exaggeration) for 3 children that need a mother's assistance
11 meals to prepare
923 snacks to fetch (not an exaggeration)


Reinforcements are coming! Hooray for grandparents within driving distance!


~LL~ said... least you have the granparents...I've been known to lug my pregger self and my 1 year old to a soccer game. I cheer for a kid...waddle to the other side to cheer for the other (who is playing his brother) all the while thinking, "THIS IS THE LAST TIME WE DO ORGANIZED SPORTS."

I guess I lied ;)

Cute blog (ps...I'm in N. TX, too :D)

Lalaine said...

hi there!found your blog through CSHAM.

I just read through some of your posts and all I could say was "Wow!" YOu've got 6 kids! I only have two and can't imagine myself with 3..hehehe! I admire your dedication as a Mom and love for your kids. I'm blessed and encouaged! God bless!

jubilee said...

Grandparents ARE wonderful, aren't they? I, too, am blessed with my children's grandparents within driving distance.
Your week sounds like me week, only doubled. I have three (and wonder how I ever imagined that I wanted four).