Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I won! I won!

It just goes to show you that good things can come out of the inability to get comfortable, let alone sleep, when you're uber-pregnant and the size of a small country.

Lilybella Boutique is an online children's boutique containing the most beautiful baby products. I have drooled over many items for months now, as this sweet store carries some unique baby must-haves you won't see elsewhere.

I entered a contest the owner, Allison, mentioned on her blog and was lucky enough to win a free personalized sippy cup seen above. Once Jimmy and I pick a name, (Honey! We're running out of time here!) I will be ordering it and probably a few other items...I love the personalized chalk mats and will get those for the boys, I'm sure.

Lilybella Boutique also carries the greatest assortment of custom diaper bags, diaper clutches, and changing pads. You choose the fabric. Also, check out her assortment of bibs, burpees, and baby bottle wraps and get ready to wipe away the drool too.

Sign up for Lilybella's email notifications of frequent specials. Allison is running a great little company and I am happy to pass along her store information to you.

Now, back to my regularly scheduled insomnia shopping...that "Bling" diaper clutch is calling my name!

**UPDATE** Allison from Lilybella just told me that if you'd like to order from her site, just put in the code MOMBLOG when you order and she will give you an extra 10% off. Thanks Allison!

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