Wednesday, June 11, 2008

They've already lost the K

Remember when you were in college and you needed a new roommate because your old one flunked out, or you wanted to sell that funny smelling sofa so vile that only another dirt poor college student would buy it? If you were anything like me, you couldn't afford to put an ad in the paper so you just photocopied hundreds of flyers at Kinko's (because you knew the copy guy)and taped them to every bulletin board you could find on campus.

And they weren't just any flyers. Oh, no. I spent hours wording it just the right way and then carefully measured little sections that contained my name and number at the bottom of the page so that the interested person could just tear off a reminder.

Those days are back, only now we are using the same concept as a discipline measure and it's working like a charm.

Below is our make-it-to-Saturday-with-relatively-little-problems-from-two-boys consequence/reward plan.

In case you can't quite make it out, it spells Kung Fu Panda, the ultimate reward for little boys trying not so terribly hard to behave.

Now, clearly Daddy made the paper because as you can tell he didn't take great pains to write neatly or to spell-check, for that matter. (Plus he knew I would take far too much time making it look pretty.) But it has worked brilliantly.

Not all the chaos has subsided, but they seem to be thinking a minute before they tear something up or practice their ninja moves on their baby sister. But it is only Wednesday and Daddy leaves on a trip tonight, so well see.

**Edited** During the writing of this post, the U and the N have since been removed. The size of and the look in little boy eyes as the letters were torn off was priceless.


At this point only maybe.

1 comment:

TiffanyB said...

Genius!! I love it!!