Tuesday, May 27, 2008


We live in an affluent area. We are surrounded by excess I never dreamt imaginable while growing up in my tiny, country Texas town. My children, in their attempts to fit in, are often left feeling neglected because they don't have the luxury cars, the high tech gadgets, and the designer hand bags of their peers. Heck, my kids don't even have TVs in their rooms or a working computer, for that matter. I buy our clothes from discount stores or off of sales racks WITH a coupon. We don't drive fancy cars.

We are the Clampetts and I am perfectly okay with that. My children? Not so much. But they'll survive...and thrive just like I did. As much as I'd like to give them everything they desire, doing so would do them a gross disservice. And besides, I like having grounded children who understand they have to work hard in life.

So you can imagine the complete and utter respect and admiration I feel for this guy.

I think we should make him an honorary member of our Clampett family. He'd fit right in and we'd be so very proud to have him.

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