Thursday, March 06, 2008

It's cold in Texas y'all

Ice: check

Sleet: check

Snow: check

Rain: check

Freezing temps and dangerous driving conditions that cause all of my children to be home three hours early with possibly no school tomorrow: check, check and (dang it!) check


Jenny said...

I was waiting for "Penguins: Check". That would rock!
Sorry to hear about the weather...the weather WE should be having here in DE but don't get any more. Make the best of's a great excuse for a "hot chocolate and movies" day!

LindaJean said...

Oh my! I am sure that is more than you need down there in the warm...sigh...south. I hope you stay warm and don't lose power or anything.
And here I was feeling sorry for myself this morning. It was -40 and I had to fill the outdoor wood boiler as all my older kids are off on a trip with Dad. Wait... I still DO feel sorry for myself :) I am hoping that YOU and We get a warm up soon!