Saturday, April 14, 2007

Last "Mommy/Landon Only" Day (sniff, sniff)

It struck me yesterday that my alone-time with Landon is winding down. Jimmy was on one of his last trips until the baby comes, the other kids were at school, and we have Granna and Pawpaw coming to stay with us next week for Jimmy's last before-baby outing. Yesterday was the very last day my sweet boy and I would spend alone before we had to share our time with baby girl.

I lamented how incredibly sad this realization must have been for him. Surely he was feeling the same uncertain dread I was. Only problem was he didn't realize it was our last day and in all reality, he probably wouldn't care even if he did. Raging pregnancy hormones and uncontrollable mommy-guilt overtook me...I was bound to make this a fun day for him.

So after a very long night in which he slept a sum total of two hours because of some weird cough with no other symptoms, I cancelled my appointments and prepared to hunker down at home and spoil him a little. It worked for a while until he caught wind of my sudden-onset-Landon-weakness and he made his big request:

He wanted to go to the "Alligator Store."

Mommy-guilt packs a heavy punch so I reluctantly agreed.

I convinced myself that he must have felt a little sentimental twinge as he decided he needed to be carried the whole time at the huge outlet mall which houses his favorite attraction. What a sight we must have been; a long-legged three-year old being carried by a waddling, very pregnant mother whose pants wouldn't stay up (long story). His leg had to be thrown over the top of my burgeoning belly as he held on for dear life.

We looked at toys, ate macaroni and cheese (don't ask), and "fed" the alligator fists full of "monies." He fell asleep in his car seat on the ride home, and in an unusual turn of events, needed me to hold him as he fell asleep again at home for his nap.

Hmmmmm...maybe he did understand the need for us to be together on such an important day. Maybe there is a tiny glimmer of male sensitivity blossoming in this little boy for which his 'someday wife' will thank me.

But, more likely, it's those aforementioned pregnancy hormones justifying his every action and succumbing to his every whim on one of the most important of last alone day with my baby boy. He may never remember it, but I will cherish it forever.

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