Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Doctor's (dis)appointment

Yesterday I had my 36+ week doctor's appointment where I was poked and prodded, measured and weighed (UGH!). I am "swelled" up like a blow fish, wearing shoestring-less tennis shoes on my cankles and no rings on my sausage fingers.

My appointment was at 8:30am and I almost kicked my doctor when he said with such revelation, "Wow! You're already really swollen this morning!" He followed that comment with, "Don't worry. It's impossible to gain this much weight in two weeks...It's just water weight."

I guess I'm some sort of an anomaly then.

I reminded him that I have quite the diminished appetite so I'm not eating much and I exercise daily, usually twice daily, so I don't know what else I can do to stop this gain. He assured me that I was doing everything right, that the exercises was probably the culprit.

So, let me get this straight. I am exercising more than I ever did with my other five pregnancies and have done so for 36 weeks. But all this exercise is why I've gained more weight?

I think I need a double scoop of chocolate almond ice cream and a nap...Or better yet, make that a triple scoop and wake me when this is over.

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