Monday, March 26, 2007


I have a weird little obsession...I iron every day. I have been ironing daily since I was about 12 years old. It's my own cheap form of therapy through which I solve all of life's problems, plus it gives me little flutter of excitement when I see crisp, clean creases and perfect pleats on the clothes my family wears.

I know it's weird and I realize, especially in this day of dryers with wrinkle-release and spray-on de-wrinkle products readily available, I'm probably working unnecessarily, but it makes me happy.

Yesterday morning after I had carefully selected clothes for the boys for church and the girls had their items for pressing, an absolutely terrible thing happened. My iron died. I was horrified and, sadly, felt a little lost. How could we go out in public with wrinkles? Jimmy just didn't get it and assured me that the congregation would probably turn us away and send us promptly home.


I chose other clothes for everyone and we went to church and lunch. Sure enough, no one rejected us based on a few wrinkles (I knew they wouldn't...really I did), but by mid-afternoon I began to sweat a little, worrying about my iron-less home and the probability of crumpled Monday morning outfits.

So I promptly went out and bought a new, heavy, BEAUTIFUL iron. After I post this blog entry, I am heading off to take my new toy on a test run. The clothes are lined up, my new ironing board is set up, and my iron is heating up.

It's going to be a good (wrinkle-free) day...I can already tell.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

If you ever need some extra therapy, I have a nice Rowenta iron and plenty of wrinkles. And, if you ever want to teach me how to iron, I would be a willing student. I have the ability to sometimes iron wrinkles INTO instead of out of clothes.