Thursday, March 15, 2007

The PERFECT Girls' Day

Yesterday my mother (Naunie), Sutton, Reagan and I:

1. Went to the outlet mall.

2. Ate "girl" food (chicken salad, tossed salad) at a bakery complete with chocolate chip cookies that contained a million calories each.

3. Laughed and laughed.

4. Window shopped in 134 stores.

5. Tried on 46 pairs of shoes...EACH!

6. Listened to ALL of Reagan's stories.

7. Touched every baby girl dress within a two-mile radius.

8. Left that mall and went to a shoe warehouse. (I mean literally MILLIONS of shoes under one roof!)

9. Tried on even more shoes.

10. Picked up Keaton from school so she wouldn't miss all our fun.

10. Went to an accessories store and tried on a dozens of sunglasses, touched hundreds of earrings and necklaces, and laughed until we dropped at all the fake hair pieces Sutton was making "come to life."

11. Went to Super Target to get Naunie some pain meds as it had been a looooong day.

12. Came home exhausted.

13. Had a delicious dinner (Popcorn, M&M's, peanuts, apples and peanut butter).

14. Baby fashion show #1 (brought out all baby items to touch and smell).

15. Invited girlfriend and daughter over for a bigger girls' night.

16. Watched a "Chick Flick."

17. Reagan makes brownies (Oh. My. Gosh. Good.)

18. Lisa P. and Courtney come over to join our fun.

19. Baby fashion show #2 (complete with more touching and smelling).

19. Laughed and laughed and laughed some more until I couldn't even talk.

20. Finally walked on my treadmill at 11:00 last night (had to get rid of those cookie calories).

21. Went to bed smiling and perfectly thrilled after a wonderful day with all my girls.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

You didn't have to do EVERYTHING in ONE day.
Sounds like you girls are having fun!