Monday, September 13, 2010

Roadrunner soccer in the Fall

Landon (6) has begun Fall soccer and had his first game on Saturday.  As soon as we woke up Saturday morning, he wanted to get dressed and go.  The game wasn’t until 10am so there was a lot of “Why is this taking so long?!” all morning.

Other way, buddy!IMG_9055

“Look Ma, I’m goalie!”

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Little sister joins the after-game snack distribution, the team meeting…


…and the huddle.  She cracks me up. “Go Roadrunners!  Beep Beep!”


I love watching him enjoy something so much.  And dang if he isn’t really good at it!

1 comment:

Gina said...


I csnnot wait to see you play someday!! Keep up the strong work!!

Auntie Gina