Keaton’s birthday is today; she’s 12 years old and she is coming out of a really tough year. Sixth grade is murder on girls…and their mothers. Friends, body image, boys; once confident and full of life, these girls seem to lose themselves during this uncertain time and most never recover.
And Keaton has been no exception.
Where she does seem to differ from many girls her age is the state of her heart. This girl, this slowly emerging woman-to-be, has a heart for people, all kinds of people. She hurts for them, celebrates with them, listens for and hears their needs while others are oblivious. She has a wonderful sense of fairness and tolerance, a champion of the underdog no matter the cost.
As she enters this next year in school and in life, I want her to have hope. I want her to take all that’s happened in the last year and tuck it away, not simply to forget about it, but to use it as a spring board. She has so much to offer this world. People are beginning to notice her uniqueness. They’re going to need her.
Happy birthday, sweet girl. You are the one amazing 12 year old and you make me the proudest mom in the world.