Friday, May 01, 2009

Stuart Little wasn't so little

Hayden's second grade class read Stuart Little 2 recently. They were assigned a book report that had to contain multiple paragraphs (gasp!) and had to be written in cursive (gasp! gasp!). It was a long week as he and I drudged through the frequent disagreements regarding how long a paragraph truly was (he said two sentences, I said more) and his insistence that having to write an entire book report in cursive is just a cruel trick teachers and mothers like to play on unsuspecting and clearly over-worked second graders.

There were tears involved.

Then there was the visual part of the report. He was assigned the task of creating a mobile that had to display objects that represented characters and/or ideas from the book and each object had to have a written description attached. The problem was, little brothers really like to help.

More tear involvement. *sigh*

But it got done. And not only did it get done, it got done well.

And look, no more tears.


Gina said...

Nice job!!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain...God bless you! :)