Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yes, I'm a thief but I mean well

I stole this from my dear friend, Cindy, who received it from her very insightful daughter, Sarah. I've shared and discussed it with my children and have been sowing that seed of thought and practice ever so tightly into my own life.

Agape is not an emotion. It is a stubborn choice to make someone's life better by loving them....Agape is a self-sacrificing, unconditional love. It is a one-way love: a love missile that is aimed at a person in hopes of blessing them and transforming their heart...Actively look for someone who is unlovely, ungrateful or withdrawn and do some act of kindness to them.

Challenging? Yes. Yes. YES!

Necessary? Absolutely.

Expected by our Lord? Without a doubt.

Now, go find somebody to love on and be blessed.


Annikke said...

How awesome and powerful!

MKHKKH said...

I needed this today. Thanks!

Ginny said...

I miss your posts...hope all is well.

jubilee said...

You doin' OK? We miss ya 'round here!

Roselawn said...

It has been a while since you posted... you okay? I always enjoy seeing what your little ones are up to. The stories of your boys especially make me laugh!

Heather said...

Hope all is okay! Sure miss seeing your post! We'll be praying for you and your family!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter!!!!
He is risen, it is time for new beginings.
GOD BLESS YOU and your family.

Theresa from MN