1. You are a special sister and will be a great mother.
2. You are the first to defend the accused.
3. The "bright side" is your favorite perspective.
4. You put other people's needs before your own.
5. You can locate just about anything that's lost.
6. You coordinate outfits for me when I need help.
7. You are a loyal friend.
8. You find joy in places others can't.
9. You go straight to the sales racks.
10. You always root for the underdog.
11. You can't tell a joke to save your life.
12. You make us laugh every day.
13. You're mine.
Happy Birthday, sweet girl. I love you more than you know.
Happy Birthday Reagan! I am once again, officially...the aunt of a teenager!!!!
Hi, Thanks for the comment on my blog. It looks like you have a really nice family. That's neat that you have a Hayden too. We had that name picked out for a boy for a long time before we got to use it :)
Beautiful girl, Devin. I only have 3 1/2 years until I have a 13 year old...but she looks 10 years older than my Chloe! I guess they change a lot from 9 to 13, don't they?
Happy B-day Reagan! She is lucky to have to you as a mom Devin and she looks to be a pretty special teenager. I hope my girls are that "good" at 13!!
Happy Happy Birthday Reagan!
i love you~ Rea
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