Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Things I know now that I am four months old

Do you all actually need ice? The ice maker is very scary and makes me jump. May I suggest more tepid beverages?

I think it's funny that you keep trying to lay me down. I prefer to be held AT ALL TIMES, especially when I'm sleeping. Nice try, though.

You call it a kiss. I call it taste-testing.

My fingers are the best thing going right now. They wiggle, they're yummy, and you can't beat the convenience.

When you tickle my legs and call it my "fatty fat," I do get a little insulted, but it feels so good I just have to laugh with you.

That car seat? Ummm, no.

Mommy made Daddy hold me when I got my shots today. She may think she's off the hook, but I hold her equally responsible for all that pain.

I'm not sure why my sisters squeal over spit-up and my brothers laugh when I toot.

I may have a lot to learn, but I have even more to teach all of them.

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