Sunday, July 08, 2007

Our Anniversary

With this man I share:

Children with ear infections and broken arms, eternal pregnancies, crying babies who won't be soothed, late night vomit clean-ups, long car rides with fussy kids, bills that were hard to pay, homework that is too difficult (for us!), ball games that never seem to end, toddler tantrums, teen rebellion, dirty diapers, weight gain, diets, and difficult times apart as he travels.

My life, however, is just the way I want it, perfect if you will. We are able to overcome any obstacle and laugh at each other along the way. Together we make decisions and navigate through the rough terrain, a mighty team that can't be defeated.

As unromantic as all of the above might sound, it is my life. It is our life. It is built on love. And there is no one else in the world I would rather share it with.

Happy Anniversary sweetheart. I love you.



Miranda said...

You mention the beauty of a marriage. While we'll always have wonderful memories of our wedding day, it is the events of life that make the marriage special.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!