Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Answer: 82 1/2

Question: Number of days left of summer break before everyone goes back to school.

(Maybe I can just sleep through it.)


Anonymous said...

fantastic blog! you are a warrior woman lol!!! I have four children, and I know how rewarding it is to have a larger than normal(in this day and age) family. Well I do have two step children, so there are technically 6 all togther. But they aren't living with us as they are practically adults now.

Keep smiling momma!

Anonymous said...

Peyton looks just like Reagan here.


shay said...

You have a beautiful family! What a gorg baby! I have never heard of Ninja warrior but I am laughing at it anyway:) I watch way more Barbie than I ever thought possible so I know how it works!
Six kids! You are my hero. I only have 4. (not often I get to say it that way.)
Bless ya,