Thursday, March 29, 2007

Rough day reevaluated

sales lady: "Wow, you are really pregnant. You must be due any day now!"

me: "No, I have about a month left."

sales lady: "You're KIDDING! Wow! You are really big!"

neighbor: "Oh my goodness! You didn't look like this two weeks ago! Are you going to make it?!"

Reagan (shuddering and turning her head): "Mom! Your legs and ankles are looking GROSS!


Jimmy: "Cankles aren't sexy. Those things are looking nasty."


Chic-Fil-A employee: "Your sixth?! Good luck with that."


Fellow pregnant woman: "I can see you are waddling too."


Keaton: "You want me to rub your belly?"

me: "No, thank you."

Keaton: "You want me to rub your feet?"

me : "No, but thank you."

Keaton: "Are you okay?"

me: "No. I think I'm losing my sunny disposition."

Keaton: "I think I'll go now."



me: "What are you giggling about?"

Landon: "I just happy."

me: "Happy about what?"

Landon: "My little 'stister' is coming soon and I will kiss her and hug her."

Okay God, I hear You.

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