Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I'm worth how much?!

My first year out of college I made $18,000 a year as a high school English/Speech/Theatre teacher. Pretty sad...but it was a job and I was thankful.

The more years I taught, the more my salary increased (ever so slightly). I eventually got my master's degree and noticed a more significant salary boost. Still a pretty sad amount, yet I remained thankful.

I recently read an astonishing article claiming that a mom's true worth is $761,650! That's what the annual salary would be for mothers if they were paid for all the work they do--from raising kids to cooking, cleaning, and generally maintaining family harmony (not to mention one or two dozen science, reading, and international projects and a few hundred sports/music events thrown in along the way)--according to an Edelman Financial Services LLC study.

It's a good thing hugs, kisses and "I love you Mommy!" expressions of gratitude are so prevalent around here. Otherwise, I might feel underpaid.

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