Monday, January 08, 2007

Further indication of our long night

At 10:00 this morning I left Landon to watch Sesame Street while I did some cleaning. This is what I found when I returned to the room:

When I removed the cover, I discovered he had Daddy's socks on his hands.

I put him to bed and he slept almost three hours more.

Hayden's teacher called and said he wouldn't stop crying because "Dad is out of town." I talked to him on the phone and she threatened a timeout, after much cajoling. He straightened up but his eyes were still bloodshot when I picked him up this afternoon. His behavior chart indicated that his disposition had improved throughout the day. He's learning that life is hard sometimes and you can't take it out on other people.

My plan is that we are ALL going to bed early tonight. (No snickering from the audience, please.)

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