Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Here I go.

After reading blogs for over a year now and being encouraged regularly by several friends, I have decided to take the plunge and blog. My purpose here is nothing more than to chronicle some of the goings-on in a busy family with five active kids. I'm really good at taking photos of the kids and our family activities; however, I am TERRIBLE at printing those pictures out and putting them into albums, and I'm even worse at documenting funny things said. I've failed Mom 101 as far as keeping baby books up to date so I guess I'm hoping this blog will ease some Mommy-guilt and allow me to redeem myself, if even the slightest.

My family is what matters to me and will, in all probability, be the only theme of this blog. My husband and I have 5 children. Our oldest, Sutton (16), will be a junior in high school when school begins in a few weeks. She is driving and we are surviving. She plays volleyball for school and for a club so we spend many hours in gyms across the country. She also has a part-time job at "the ice cream store," as the younger kids call it, and we all love to visit her there.

Reagan (11) is entering 6th grade and is our little fashion maven who regularly chooses her siblings' attire and comments, often unsolicited, on my choice of clothing. I just remind her that I'm old and she usually leaves with a sigh. She also plays volleyball and is turning into a pretty good little singer.

Keaton (almost 9) will enter 3rd grade in a few weeks. She will be attending a new school where she will wear uniforms and thankfully she is as excited as I am. School shopping was a breeze with her. She loves volleyball, is the family comedian and our resident drama queen.

Hayden (5) will begin kindergarten soon. He's quite the handful who is all into superheroes and antagonizing his little brother. We've kept him in school all summer so his very active mind and body could stay productive and out of trouble...it really worked, most of the time.

Landon (2) is the baby of the bunch. He's all boy who must be supervised at all times. He loves anything his big brother loves and will do anything his big brother does. They are quite the team of destroyers. Landon has discovered swimming, or rather jumping like a madman from the diving board whether anyone is there to catch him or not.


Heather said...

I hit next blog and your site came up. I hope you continue. I have three children and it is always great to hear from other moms. My youngest is named Hayden. He is only 2 months old, and the only boy right now. I hope you don't mind me checking out your site.

Unknown said...

Heather...Yes! Please come back. I read you profile and I love all your H names. Your Hayden will have to adjust to life with women like mine has. Good luck with the new baby!