The boys insisited in a little ghoulish window-shopping.
Peyton found a witch to toddle around with.
A trucker's hat/wig was a family favorite.
Oh my.
Pizza was next on our list of to-do's. My dinner partner refused a picture.
Then finally gave us her best scary witch impression.
We walked several blocks to the train station...enjoying the cool evening and all of the sights.
Our evening culminated in a Tales on the Tracks event at the train station: spooky stories told fireside by professional storytellers. We munched on popcorn and warm apple cider.
The first hour the stories were not too scary and just right for 2 and 5 year olds.
Eventually I took the two youngest home, much to Landon's chagrine. But not before one more scary picture.
Hayden wanted to stay at the story-telling because "nothing's too scary for me!" I must say the look on his face when he got home was priceless as he retold what was "the scariest story I've ever heard in my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE!"
He slept on the couch that night.
Fun!! I hadn't heard about that event....I love that train and we've done the Polar Express, etc. out there. I need to look this up for next year!
Oops! That was from Libby above....I always forget to add my name! :)
what a great activity for all!
it rained here so I didn't have any trick or treaters :(
but i've got plenty of chocolate:)
Sounds like fun! Wish we had an event like that around here.
(Perfect title, BTW)
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