Thursday, August 28, 2008

Complete and utter randomness

-My children are back in school!

- My iron, may she rest in peace, died. In case you're new to this blog, go here and see that I'm a little obsessed with ironing clothes for my family. So when my old iron started spitting and spewing at me and leaving unsightly brownish marks on the clothes I was trying to make perfect, out the door it went. I heart my new iron.

- Keaton (11) is having quite a time adjusting to middle school. She essentially skipped 5th grade and this whole 6th grade we're-not-going-to-hold-your-hand-because-you're-big-now attitude she's been thrust up against is quite the rude awakening for her.

-My children are back in school!

-Sutton (18) has a back injury that is much worse than anticipated so she is having to wear a restrictive back brace for 23 hours a day, physical therapy for an hour and a half each morning (at 6am), and is relegated to back row only this volleyball season. Life stinks for her right now and on top of that, she's homesick:-(

-I cleaned out my Suburban last night and I swear I came away with 10lbs of trash. I found chewed gum, cracker and cookie remnants, and previously sucked on mints and lollipops hidden in hard-to-see nooks and crannies.

-Landon (4) has a cavity, thanks, in part, to the contraband mints and lollipops he and his brother had hidden in my Suburban. Aaarg.

-But, my children? They're back in school!

-I need a haircut and highlights something awful, but I've become too cheap to pay what I've paid to have it done every 3-4 months for the past seven years. I'm trying someone new this weekend. I'm strangely nervous. It's just hair though, right?

-The two boys have begun coming downstairs to our room in the middle of the night so when I awake in the mornings, there are five people in my bedroom. That's just wrong. They also use my shower each night and waste my shampoo making strange shower concoctions. That too, very wrong. Maybe I just need to move upstairs and let them have it all.

-I would really like to lose five more pounds. I walk and walk and walk each day. I also eat and eat and eat. At this point I'll continue to blame the nursing. That'll give me time to come up with another excuse.

-Have I mentioned my children are back in school?



MKHKKH said...

I cleaned out my Yukon yesterday and found icing, granola bars, fruit snacks and candy stashed everywhere. YUCK! I also can only rationalize a cut and highlights every 3-4 months. Can you say Courtney Love here? LOL. My kids are back in school too, but only two of them.... My day is coming!! :)

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

I can't wait for my kids to start school. Sept 3rd could not come any sooner.

I love getting my hair done, it is such a treat and the head massage when she shampoos is heavenly. I am lucky that my cousin is my hairdresser so I get a nice discount. She charges me $10 but I usually give her $60 as a nice tip.

Steph said...

Today is my car cleaning we'll see what kind of goodies I find on top of what I can already see...gum wrappers, granola bar, clothes, shoes, etc, etc, etc...

Carrie said...

Ok what kind of iron do you suggest? My hubby got some of that no sew hemming stuff on iron today so it's not good for regular clothes anymore. Have no clue what to get instead now.

Unknown said...

I got my second Shark iron from Target. They're not as expensive as most, I think it was about $60, but it does a darn good job. Someday I'll get a fancy-dancy one.